I was recently asked about my opinion of a new process improvement concept called ‘Customer Experience Management’ or CEM. This has been promoted in the last couple of years as the next step in the ‘evolution’ of Business Process Improvement in the light of the rapidly changing way the customers make choices and interact with the providers of products and services. My view is that of course business process owners need to be intimately connected and in tune with to what the ‘Customer Experience’ is for their product or service. This is emphasized in Lean Six Sigma in the ‘Understanding the Voice-of-the-Customer ( VOC ), as well as developing the Critical to Quality metrics ( CTQs ) and Specification limits ( USLs and LSLs ) using data collection and data analysis tools such as Focus Groups, Surveys and Feedback collection methods, testing for statistical significance ( t-tests, ANOVA, Chi-Squared etc ).
In summary I think that the term Customer Experience Management ( CEM ) is a good ‘catch all’ term to describe the methods, tools and techniques we use in Lean Six Sigma for the data collection and data analysis of Customer information in order to understand the VOC and therefore to develop the right products and services with the right features and functionality.