Lean Six Sigma Executive Management 1-day Overview

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Executive and Management Overview of the Benefits and Strategies of Implementing a Lean and/or Six Sigma programme in your company.

This course will be facilitated by Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt,  Mr John Dennis PMP MBA MBB with over 20 years successfully used Lean and Six Sigma to help improve business processes.

The one day (9am to 3pm) Lean Six Sigma Executive Overview training course is designed for senior managers and  business leaders.  The course teaches the basic concepts, principles and techniques of Lean Six Sigma. The goal of the training is to help managers and executives to support a program of Lean Six Sigma transformation.  Lean Six Sigma transformation changes worker behavior and culture.   In order for Lean Six Sigma to be successful it requires commitment and support from executive level ‘Champions’ who support the internal training and coaching programs help to break down the cultural ‘road blocks’ and political barriers to success.

HILTON HOTEL, Leicester LE19 1WQ
Dec 8th 2022
9am – 3 pm